The Family Empowerment Program, provided by Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC), educates and supports expecting and new parents up to their baby’s first birthday. Moms and Dads learn about important topics and can receive free baby items by engaging in free parenting classes offered in-person and online.
Become a stronger parent for your child.
Entering the world of parenthood is a rewarding and often challenging journey. The Family Empowerment Program is here to guide and support you every step of the first year. This period marks significant changes, adjustments, and learning experiences for new parents. Support during this time is not only beneficial, it’s essential. Join us, and other parents, to talk and learn about taking care of yourself and your baby.
Pregnancy & Infant Care
Health & Wellness
Nurturing Parents
A new baby brings additional costs associated with healthcare and baby supplies, and potential changes in work situations can create significant stress for new parents.
You can receive free baby items for participating in pregnancy and parenting classes in-person and online.
Baby Wipes
Baby Clothing
Breastfeeding Supplies
And a variety of other baby supplies!

About Us
At PDHC, we understand that becoming a mom and dad is a journey filled with joy, questions, and challenges. Our Family Empowerment Program is here to guide and support you every step of the first year. From educational health and wellness classes to stress and financial management, you will receive the tools and care you need to embrace the beauty of parenthood.
In the program, you will benefit from classes and free baby items for participation such as diapers, baby wipes, clothing, feeding supplies, and more. Join us, and let's navigate this journey together. You don't have to do this alone. We're here for you.
To learn more about other PDHC services visit: PDHC.org